Sabatia Eye Hospital, in Vihiga County, was founded in 1996 through the efforts of the local community led by former Vice President Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, the Christoffel Blinden Mission/ Christian Blind Mission, the Lions Club of Germany, District 111-MS, the Lions Club of Kisumu, the Government of Kenya and the Friends Church at Vokoli. The establishment of the hospital was informed by the total lack of any Centre providing basic eye care services in western Kenya.
Sabatia Eye Hospital is a leading not-for-profit and independent referral eye hospital based in the western part of Kenya. It is one of the few tertiary eye hospitals located in rural Kenya and serves an estimated 15 million people. These regions include the North Rift, western Kenya, and the Lake Basin, making up 17 counties. The hospital undertakes outreach campaigns through partnerships and diverse collaborative arrangements. It offers competency-based training for various ophthalmological courses. Structurally, the hospital is organized into three departments to help deliver on its core mandate. These departments are Clinical, Finance & Administration and Training.
Sabatia Eye Hospital is governed by Oversight Board of Directors, which comprises 12 members drawn from the various major stakeholders and partners including the local community, Friends Church – Vokoli Yearly Meeting, Lions Clubs and representatives of the national and county governments. The day to day running of the Hospital is carried out by the Hospital Management Committee (HMC) headed by the Chief Executive Officer. The HMC is the core group of professional staff that manages and runs all hospital activities. It is composed of the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Medical Director, Head of Finance and Administration and Head of Nursing Services. The hospital has two resident ophthalmologists, three OCO/ cataract surgeons, twelve nurses and the administration staff who work together for the realization of its goals. The hospital is also supported by four other visiting consultant ophthalmologists. On average, the members of staff attend to approximately 35,000 – 40,000 patients annually.